Lace-up your shoes, grow your mullet, and get ready for the Northwoods Mullet Run & Beaver Bash, a unique event that combines trail races with a lively post-race celebration. There will be two race options to choose from – 25K and 10K.
Let your mullets grow for this trail run turns party sponsored by Superior Bathhouse Brewery. Register now at
Race Day Packet Pickup
Friday, May 9th, location to be determined, from 4:00-7:00pm
Saturday, May 10th at Cedar Glades Park Trailhead until 7:45am (25k), 8:45am (10k)
Start Times:
25k + 25k Dog Division 8:00am & 10k + 10k Dog Division 9:00am
Beaver Bash 10:00-2:00–live music and great food and drink! Spectators who want to skip the business in the front and join the party in the back can purchase Beaver Bash Tickets for $10.